Arguably one of the biggest components of AWFC's Bridging the Gap program, is Launch Camp. This summer excursion (4 days, 3 nights) was designed for our teens who face the daunting task of aging out of the system. Most youth age out with little to no life skills or support. Our camp aims to help prepare them to make a successful transition to adulthood and hopefully break the cycle of abuse.

This camp is focused on helping to prepare them for life beyond foster care. This includes a career fair and teaching basic life skills such as managing finances. We host events that help our teens focus on their futures. We also include many team-building activities where they can engage with other foster teens from across the State. Again, one of our biggest principles of normalcy is inclusion. We want our kids to know they are not alone, that they have a family of foster care youth who know what they are going through and can provide a safe space to begin to heal. With our Camp we strive to help our kids dare to dream of a better future for themselves. We teach them that the sky is the limit and they can overcome any obstacle put before them. Above all - they are not their history, they are not their abuse. Each and every child in foster care has the capability of rising above their circumstance - they just need the right people in their corner to champion them. At AWFC, we strive to be those people.