The Brownwood office services family and children from the Brownwood and San Angelo areas. The staff in these areas pride themselves in taking care of their families and children and offering wrap-around services that compare with no other in the state. The Brownwood and San Angelo staff have built their reputation through long hours and hard work to ensure our families and children have their needs met at all times.
Our team believes in and embraces our founder’s philosophy of putting God first by doing the right thing and treating others with love and respect at all times. We understand that we would not be where we are today without God’s grace and quality foster parents who are willing to make tremendous sacrifices in their own lives so that our children can experience a better life than they have known. We would love to add to our family and are always searching for quality foster parents that are willing to open their hearts and homes to our children. We stand beside our families, train them, and wrap our hearts and services around them. To those families who are willing to help “save the world…one child at a time,” please call the Brownwood office to discuss ways in which we can partner together to help our most vulnerable kids in our community.
We also partner with various members of our communities in Brownwood and San Angelo. In addition to fostering, there are many other avenues available to serve our children. We appreciate the Brownwood and San Angelo communities, which have joined hands with us in providing the most phenomenal Christmas parties, have helped make our Launch Camp a smashing success and have supported our children by being respite providers and volunteers in our many endeavors. We also value the many hours of prayer that have helped in so many varied situations.
Carey Hartin graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology. She worked for several years, case managing adults with mental illness, and then joined A World for Children in 2003. She worked as a case manager, foster home developer, case manager supervisor, and currently is the Regional Director for the Brownwood and San Angelo area.